Offering pool maintenance to the Lakeland, FL area.
Proper chemistry and pool maintenance can help prolong the beauty and Integrity of your pool and pool equipment. Just because a Pool is Blue does not mean that is a healthy pool. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard a customer say ” All I’ve ever had to do is add some acid and chlorine to the pool every week and it stays blue”. This is so far from reality as you can get. You wouldn’t add oil or water to your car if you didn’t check it first. Nor should you add chemicals to the pool unless they have been tested 1st. There are at least 5 to 6 other tests that should be done at least once a month to ensure proper water balance. And even more is needed to be known about how chemicals react with each other and the pool equipment themselves. With today’s advancement in pool hydraulics, automation systems, salt systems, pool cleaners, etc…, it’s hard to stay on top of the proper workings of these sophisticated systems with our busy schedules.
This is where Kristi’s Pool Service comes to the rescue. We have a knowledgeable staff of Pool technicians that see hundreds of different pools and scenarios every week. They can spot a potential problem before it becomes a costly problem, sometimes even saving the customer the cost of 3 to 6 months worth of pool service. Having a weekly pool service means that a trained pool technician is at your pool every week, observing pool equipment operation, fixing minor repairs, cleaning pool and checking water chemistry. With all this done on a weekly schedule, it helps rule out any long term damage that can occur when pool systems and water chemistry are not monitored for weeks or even months at a time. Kristi’s Pool Service offers 2 weekly maintenance programs designed to fit your budget.
Chemical Service. This includes:
- Check and add necessary chemicals
- Brush walls of pool
- Empty skimmer and pump basket
- Clean filter as needed
All chemicals are included. Service is performed 1 time weekly. You will be serviced on the same day every week, weather permitting.
- Net debris off top of pool
- Brush tile
- Vacuum pool
- Brush walls
Rinse deck off weekly, lanai monthly. We will bleach entire Deck/Lanai when dirt or Algae appears. Clean all slides,diving boards and Handrails
Empty skimmer and pump basket weekly.
Check and add all necessary chemicals. Add 10.00 per month for pools with heaters that require a metal treatment weekly.
Clean filter as needed, usually 1 to 2 times monthly. Varies from pool to pool.
On a full service account, we promise to be in your backyard more than 5 minutes. If you have ever had pool service before, you understand what we mean. No splash and dash here.All times in and out of jobs, and an account of what the chemical readings were and what was added is recorded weekly and is available via internet to the customer on request.
Kristi’s Pool Service has help set the standard for a though weekly cleaning programs and been adopted by numerous other weekly maintenance providers. We strive to give the customer the most for their money by providing an accurate and dependable service for all their pool maintenance and repair needs.
Call us for a Free Quote on weekly service.